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In review/revision

+corresponding author, ^lab postdoc or staff, *undergraduate advisee,


Angst, P., Thioville, A., Haden, Z.*, Wale, N+, Ebert, D

Genomic analysis of the zooplankton-associated pathogenic bacterium Spirobacillus cienkowskii reveals its functional and metabolic capacities.


 Vocelle, D., Thompson, L.^, Bernard, M., Wale, N+

Imaging flow cytometry enables label-free cell sorting of morphological variants from unculturable bacterial populations

Published or in press.


Peters, M.A.E.^, King, A.A., Wale, N+ (2024)

Red blood cell dynamics during malaria infection violate the assumptions of mathematical models of infection dynamics.

Frontiers in Malaria


 Wale, N., Freimark, CB.*, Ramirez, J.*, Dziuba, MK., Kafri, AY.*, Bilich, R. & Duffy, MA. (2024)

Virulence & transmission biology of the widespread, ecologically important pathogen of zooplankton, Spirobacillus cienkowskii.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology,


Wale, N., (2022).

mSphere of influence: There's more to (a pathogen's) life than growing fast.

mSphere,  e00277-22

doi: 10.1128/msphere.00277-22


Wale, N., Fuller, R. C., Johnsen, S., Turrill, M*. .& Duffy, M. A. (2021)

The visual ecology of selective predation: Are unhealthy hosts, less stealthy hosts?

Ecology & Evolution. 00 1-13

doi: 10.1002/ece3.8464


Allgeier, J., Weeks, B., Munsterman, K., Wale, N., Wenger, S., Parravicini, V., Schiettekatte, N., Villéger, S.& Burkepile, D. (2021)

Phylogenetic conservatism drives nutrient dynamics of coral reef fishes.

Nature Communications. 12 5432

doi: 0.1038/s41467-021-25528-0


Wale, N., & Duffy, M. A. (2021)

The use and underuse of model systems in infectious disease ecology & evolutionary biology. 

The American Naturalist. 198 (1).

doi: 10.1086/714595


Duffy, M.A., Garcia-Robledo, C., Gordon, S., Grant, N.K., Green II, D.A., Kamath, A., Penczykowski, R.M., Rebodella-Gomez, M., Wale, N. & Zaman, L* (2021)

(*authors in alphabetical order) 

Model systems in ecology, evolutionary biology, and behavior: A call for more diversity in our model systems and discipline

The American Naturalist. 198 (1). doi: 10.1086/714574


Greischar, M., Alexander, H., Bashey, F., Bento, A., Bhattacharya, A., Bushman, M., Childs, L., Daversa, D.,  Day, T., Faust, C., Gallagher, M., Gandon, S., Glidden, C., Halliday, F., Hanley, K., Kamiya, T., Read, A., Schwabl, P., Sweeny, A., Tate, A., Thompson, R., Wale, N., Wearing, H., Yeh, P. & Mideo, N+ (2020) 

Evolutionary consequences of feedbacks between within-host competition and disease control. 

Evolution, Medicine & Public Health doi: 10.1093/emph/eoaa004 


Wale, N., Jones, M.J., Sim, D.G, Read, A.F & King, A.A. (2019)

The contribution of host cell-directed vs. parasite-directed immunity to the disease and dynamics of malaria infections. 

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116 (44) 22386–22392. 

doi: 10.1073/pnas.1908147116


Wale, N., Turrill, M.K.*, & Duffy, M.A. (2019)

A colorful killer: Daphnia infected with the bacterium Spirobacillus cienkowskii exhibit unexpected color variation. 

Ecology. 100 (3) e02562. 

doi: 10.1002/ecy.2562


Bresciani, L., Lemos, L.N, Wale, N., Lin, J.Y., Strauss, A.T., Duffy, M.A. & Rodrigues, J.L.M. (2018)

Draft genome sequence of "Candidatus Spirobacillus cienkowskii," a pathogen of freshwater Daphnia species reconstructed from hemolymph

metagenomic reads. 

Microbiology Resource Announcements. 7 (22) 301175-78. doi: 10.1128/MRA.01175-18


Wale, N., Sim, D.G., Jones, M.J., Salathe, R., Day, T. & Read, A.F (2017)

Resource limitation prevents the emergence of drug resistance by intensifying within-host competition.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114 (52) 13774-13779. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1715874115

This article was featured in The Atlantic & several other news outlets. I received the Gilbert S. Omenn Award & the W. D. Hamilton Award for this work.


Wale, N., Sim, D.G. & Read, A.F. (2017)

A nutrient mediates intraspecific competition between rodent malaria parasites in vivo.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 284: 20171067.

doi: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1067


Kouyos, R.D., Metcalf, C.J.E., Birger. R., Klein, E.Y., zur Wiesch, P.A., Ankomah, P., Arinaminpathy, N., Bogich, T.L., Bonhoeffer, S., Brower, C., Chi-Johnston, G., Cohen, E., Day, T., Greenhouse, B., Huijben, S., Metlay, J., Mideo, N., Pollitt, L.C., Read, A.F., Smith, D.L., Standley, C., Wale, N. & Grenfell, B.+ (2014)

The path of least resistance: aggressive or moderate treatment. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 281: 20140566. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0566


​Vandegrift, K.J., Wale, N. & Epstein, J.H. (2011)

An ecological & conservation perspective on advances in the applied virology of zoonoses.

Viruses. 3: 370-397. 

doi: 10.3390/v3040379



Speaking at the EEID meeting, 2016. Photo credit Jessica Abbate 


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